This practice covers the measurement methods and procedures for the calculation of the load-bearing cross-sectional area when performing mechanical testing with as-printed surfaces from powder bed fusion additive manufacturing.
This Standard will provide an accurate and repeatable measurement method to measure the load bearing cross-sectional area. The most widely used method of cross-sectional area measurement prior to mechanical testing is mechanical calipers. However, these calipers only contact the outer surface of the component, which contains superficial particles that do not contribute to the load-bearing area. There are no standards addressing the unique surface characteristics of metal powder bed fusion (PBF) additive manufacturing (AM) parts in the context of mechanical testing. Specifically, the accurate measurements of load bearing cross-sectional area of as-built surface specimens with their characteristic AM surface roughness. The work item proposed through this project will complement standards development work towards surface characterization techniques (F3624 - 23). There are differing surface roughness based on the contour parameters, build location, material, etc. Therefore, without a standardized approach to account for the surface roughness in the load-bearing cross-sectional area, inconsistent data is reported, and the mechanical properties of AM material are not accurately represented.
The title and scope are in draft form and are under development within this ASTM Committee.
Date Initiated: 08-11-2022
Technical Contact: Joy Gockel
Item: 000