Work Item
ASTM WK82613

Revision of E1316-22a Standard Terminology for Nondestructive Examinations


This ballot action addresses two types of revisions.
The first revision is to move the cross-references to standards within the definitions into discussion statements.
The second revision is to remove the “or” within the term base words to clarify the typical usage of the terms. The secondary form of the term is referenced to the primary form so no information is lost.
The third revision is for incorporating parts of speech


Developed by Subcommittee: E07.92

Committee: E07

Staff Manager: Kristy Straiton

Work Item Status

Date Initiated: 07-06-2022

Technical Contact: Richard Gostautas

Item: 042

Ballot: E07 (22-04)

Status: In Balloting

Item: 041

Ballot: E07 (22-04)

Status: In Balloting

Item: 040

Ballot: E07 (22-04)

Status: In Balloting

Item: 039

Ballot: E07 (22-04)

Status: In Balloting

Item: 038

Ballot: E07 (22-04)

Status: In Balloting