Work Item
ASTM WK78886

New Test Method for As-worn Fogging Testing of Plano Protective Eyewear as a Complete Device

1. Scope

The objective is to develop a repeatable and objective standardized test method for testing both the passive and active anti-fog performance of plano-protective eyewear.


eyewear; plano; fogging


The anti-fog testing requirements of plano-protective eyewear in numerous national standards rely on poorly designed evaluation methods that cannot accommodate recent advances in active anti-fog technologies which require the full protective eyewear system to be orientated in the as-worn position on a head to operate.

The title and scope are in draft form and are under development within this ASTM Committee.


Developed by Subcommittee: F08.57

Committee: F08

Staff Manager: Joe Koury

Work Item Status

Date Initiated: 11-11-2021

Technical Contact: David Ziegler

Item: 000

