The Task Group has agreed that this Standard Test Method should avoid stating pass/fail criteria and should focus on reporting water penetration in the final report. As a Test Method, the intent of this document is to determine the replicability of the test procedure and test apparatus to ensure consistent product testing and reporting. This ballot proposes substituting language for failure in para. 1.3, 5.4, and 10.2. The current test method requires reporting water penetration observed during the testing but does not require reporting if the specimen passed or failed. The Task Group therefore felt that it is important to remove ambiguity to clearly define water penetration in Para. 3.2.3. The definition of water penetration should contain all of the criteria in the current standard. This ballot proposes defining water penetration to include specimen frame leakage. Language currently in para. 10.2 improperly classifies frame leakage as failure but not water penetration. Moving this to be included in the definition of water penetration eliminates the appearance of pass/fail criteria in this test method. As written, E1105-15 causes unneeded and unjustified confusion and inappropriate conclusions, including reports that users have told us purposefully do not report frame leakage as water penetration and do not report frame leakage at all. The proposed edits are included below with portions of the standard for context.
Date Initiated: 04-16-2021
Technical Contact: Matthew Worster
Item: 001
Ballot: E06.51 (21-01)
Status: Negative Votes Need Resolution