To add two additional primary properties with cell classification limits to Table 1. The two additional primary properties are HDB at 60C, HDB at 82C as cell class 7 and 8 respectively.
Date Initiated: 10-29-2020
Technical Contact: William Michie, Jr.
Item: 005
Ballot: D20 (20-08)
Status: Will Reballot Item
Item: 003
Ballot: D20.15 (21-02)
Status: Will Reballot Item
Item: 001
Ballot: D20.15 (21-04)
Status: Will Reballot Item
Item: 004
Ballot: D20 (22-01)
Status: Will Reballot Item
Item: 006
Ballot: D20 (22-03)
Status: Will Reballot Item
Item: 004
Ballot: D20 (22-06)
Status: In Balloting