Current D8270-20 standard is not precise (e.g., failing to distinguish between types of cannabinoids and asserting all cannabinoids come from the cannabis plant); it does not bridge with other standards, reports, or technical writings; it cherry-picks terms; it is inconsistent between terms and definitions (e.g., multipurpose cultivar points at drug cultivar instead of resin cultivar; lack of consistent use of manufacture, etc.) fails to establish clear definition for confusing terms (e.g., oil), uses undefined, or otherwise differently defined terms (e.g., strain), and bears a negative historicity and perception both inside and outside the subcommittee. In brief, D8270-20 fails to meet any of the objectives set forth in the guiding document Form and Style for ASTM Standards. For this reason, this work item focuses on a comprehensive rewriting of D8270 to (1) overcome the challenges of cannabis/hemp terminology from a contemporary, evidence-based and consensus-oriented perspective, (2) address the gaps in the definitions used in the current standard (e.g., mistakes, inaccuracy, contradicting terms, lack of consistency and coherence between terms and definitions, overlaps), (3) take into consideration the recent inputs, changes, and rewritings proposed since summer 2019 (in particular WK72745 & WK72761), (4) integrate international, social, cultural and environmental specific characteristics at the core of the standard. The following set of 10 guiding principles are suggested to guide the work around a new terminology standard; they are inspired in the document Form and Style for ASTM Standards and the Message On Racism and Injustice to ASTM International Members sent on June 12th, 2020 by Katharine E. Morgan. PRINCIPLES FOR D37.91: 1- Precise understanding and interpretation ensured; 2- Standardisation of terminology in and between standards, reports, and other technical writings; 3- Explanation of the meanings of technical terms for the benefit of those not conversant with them; 4- Consistent use both within the committee and society; 5- Explanation of technical terms for the benefit of users who are not conversant with the language of the standard; 6- Use of a terminology that is clear, explicit, and not liable to misinterpretation (from the technical, commercial, or legal perspectives); 7- Consideration of lege artis science and knowledge; 8- International scope; 9- Social relevance, diversity, inclusion, and the rights of all people as core values; 10- Contextualisation within, and consideration of, the specificities of an evolving market currently in transition from illicit or informal sectors.
Date Initiated: 06-13-2020
Technical Contact: Kenzi Riboulet-Zemouli
Item: 000