Work Item
ASTM WK72475

New Practice for Real-time Dust Monitoring at Construction, Demolition, and Other Fugitive Dust Emission Sites.

1. Scope

This practice provides a standard practice for continuous real-time dust monitoring at sites where fugitive dust emissions may be generated. The practice includes standard procedures for monitor siting, concentration calculations, calibration and maintenance of monitors, method validation, and data quality control.


fugitive dust, emissions, particulate matter, air quality, monitoring, continuous, siting, construction sites, remediation, calibration, validation


There are a growing number of federal, state, and local environmental regulations intended to mitigate fugitive dust emissions. These regulations often require entities performing ambient air monitoring to alert facility operators that activities are resulting in exceedances of ambient dust concentration limits and to verify that dust mitigation measures are in place and effective. Earth-moving activities, construction and demolition operations, heavy- and light-duty vehicular movement, and other activities that disturb land surfaces or structures can generate airborne dust, resulting in negative impacts on local air quality with potential adverse impacts on public health and quality of life. Dust includes particulate matter of different size ranges designated as PM1, PM2.5, and PM10, as well as total suspended particles (TSP). There is a need for standard monitoring practices for fugitive dust to ensure that site operators can effectively mitigate emissions and meet regulatory obligations.

The title and scope are in draft form and are under development within this ASTM Committee.


Developed by Subcommittee: D22.03

Committee: D22

Staff Manager: Ashley Wiand

Work Item Status

Date Initiated: 04-05-2020

Technical Contact: Geoff Henshaw

Item: 000

