Work Item
ASTM WK71835

Revision of E1958-19a Standard Guide for Sensory Claim Substantiation


Section does not give specific examples for how to select testing sites for a regional claim, and it might create the impression that national claims must be based on a consumer CLTs in 4 regions with 2 cities per region. The revised text separates the guiding principles from the examples. Although the examples given in subsections are not exhaustive, they provide some scenarios in which claims are supported by fewer than 4 regions and 2 cities per region. The Advertising Self-Regulatory Council (ASRC) was merged in BBB National Programs, Inc. in June 2019. The former relationship with the ASRC is deleted. The new relationship is stated in a footnote. Additional wording changes are proposed.


Developed by Subcommittee: E18.05

Committee: E18

Staff Manager: W Scott Orthey

Work Item Status

Date Initiated: 02-06-2020

Technical Contact: John Castura

Item: 011

Ballot: E18 (20-05)

Status: Ballot Item Approved

Item: 001

Ballot: E18.05 (20-01)

Status: Will Reballot Item