Work Item
ASTM WK65007

Revision of E3038-16 Standard Practice for Assessing and Qualifying Candidates as Inspectors of Firestop Systems and Fire-Resistive Joint Systems


Revising the definition of 3.2.3 Firestop industry inspector to the individual possessing the credentials set forth in this Practice , and who is authorized by the AHJ or AA, or both, to conduct an inspection under Practices E2174 and E2393 , or both. The task group chair would like to remove the word COMPANY as the Practice is written for assessing and qualifying candidates as Inspectors of Firestop Systems and Fire - Resistive Joint Systems


Developed by Subcommittee: E06.21

Committee: E06

Staff Manager: Frank McConnell

Work Item Status

Date Initiated: 09-04-2018

Technical Contact: Patrick Tesche

Item: 002

Ballot: E06 (18-07)

Status: Will Reballot Item

Item: 006

Ballot: E06 (20-03)

Status: Ballot Item Approved

Item: 008

Ballot: E06.21 (20-02)

Status: Negative Votes Need Resolution

Item: 009

Ballot: COS (22-06)

Status: Ballot Item Approved

Item: 006

Ballot: E06.21 (20-02)

Status: Negative Votes Need Resolution

Item: 014

Ballot: E06 (22-02)

Status: Negative Votes Need Resolution