Work Item
ASTM WK64555

New Test Method for Determination of Acetoxime Number

1. Scope

Determine carbon capacity at 30 mg/L residual acetoxime concentration, which is indicative of the trace adsorption capacity of Granular Activated Carbon.


Acetoxime; AWWA B604


Acetoxime testing was written into the AWWA B604 standard, but in 2008 was moved to the appendix. In the last several years, it was removed from the AWWA B604 standard. Acetoxime number has been used in the municipal water markets as an index of an activated carbon's ability to remove some low molecular weight organic compounds, such as volatile organic chemicals from groundwater.

The title and scope are in draft form and are under development within this ASTM Committee.


Developed by Subcommittee: D28.02

Committee: D28

Staff Manager: Kelly Paul

Work Item Status

Date Initiated: 07-27-2018

Technical Contact: Gina McNamara

Item: 000

