This guide provides an overview of a generalized, systematic approach for conducting a Property Resilience Assessment (PRA) consisting of first, identifying the natural hazards likely to affect a property; next, evaluating the risks posed by those hazards along with the capacity of the property to prepare for, adapt to, withstand and recover from those hazards; and then finally, identifying conceptual resilience measures to enhance property-level performance and recovery. The PRA includes, at minimum, a baseline assessment of safety, damage, functional recovery time, and a limited consideration of community resilience or other material dependencies, such as the ability of utilities to deliver service to a property following a hazard event.
resilience; resiliency; resilient; disaster mitigation; assessment; flooding; wind; hurricane; tornado; extreme event; recovery
This guide provides a generalized, systematic approach for conducting a Property Resilience Assessment
(PRA) on a voluntary basis for parties such as real estate investors, owners, operators, lenders, and
insurers (Users) who wish to better understand the natural hazards, including those made more extreme
by climate change, that may be affecting a property. A PRA obtained using this guide can be used during
real estate investment, development, risk management and reporting, facilities management, capital
planning, operations and maintenance, underwriting or financing activities. The provisions of this guide
establish a baseline standard of practical and reasonable steps for conducting and preparing PRAs and
guidelines by which the Provider of a PRA can communicate observations, opinions, and conclusions to a
User in a manner that is meaningful and transparent.
Please note this guide is not intended to provide a certification of a property as resilient or to characterize
a property as compliant with the guide, but rather to outline a flexible approach to facilitate informed
decisions at the property level. This guide is not prescriptive and does not advocate a specific analytical
methodology for ascertaining the performance of the built environment.
The title and scope are in draft form and are under development within this ASTM Committee.
Date Initiated: 04-10-2018
Technical Contact: Holly Neber