Work Item
ASTM WK61819

Reinstatement of D5210-92(2007) Standard Test Method for Determining the Anaerobic Biodegradation of Plastic Materials in the Presence of Municipal Sewage Sludge (Withdrawn 2016)


This standard test method is still used by labs and some have requested reinstatement. This method is also similar to an existing OECD standard.


Developed by Subcommittee: D20.96

Committee: D20

Staff Manager: Alyson Fick

Work Item Status

Date Initiated: 01-12-2018

Technical Contact: Sudeep Rao

Item: 001

Ballot: D20.96 (19-02)

Status: Will Reballot Item

Item: 013

Ballot: D20 (18-02)

Status: Will Reballot Item

Item: 031

Ballot: D20 (21-04)

Status: Will Reballot Item

Item: 006

Ballot: D20 (22-02)

Status: Negative Votes Need Resolution