Work Item
ASTM WK57967

New Test Method for Evaluating Ground Response Robot Sensing: Thermal Image Acuity

1. Scope

The purpose of this proposed standard test method is to quantitatively evaluate the sensing capability of a remotely deployed robot to provide useful thermal images or videos of its environment. It is important for such a robot system to be able to detect and identify remote objects distinguishable by the objects respective temperature differences relative to the background. Such background could be humans and animals, fires or smoldering sources, chemical reactions, etc. The proposed test method specifies incrementally sized thermal targets for the robot thermal imager under test to measure the acuity and field of view at both near and far field distances. The generated test results can be used to evaluate and compare such robot capabilities. This test method is to be developed as a part of a suite of sensing tests for response robots. Systems with assistive capabilities or autonomous behaviors are not specifically rewarded in the performance metrics. However, any associated demonstration of improved operator/robot performance, efficiency, and/or survivability under test will be captured.


Emergency, human system interaction, HSI, improvised explosive device, IED, operator control unit, OCU, remote teleoperation, responder, response, robot, test suite, training, urban search and rescue, US&R


This proposed standard test method is to be developed to address the requirements of response operations. It is further anticipated that the proposed standard test method would be applicable to additional operation types once the respective user communities verify such applicability and set their own performance thresholds within the test method for their mission requirements. This proposed standard test method could also be used to provide practice tasks for the operational training proficiency of robot system users. Such training would involve properly exercising robotic control on actuators, sensors, and operator control units (OCUs). The proposed standard test method can also provide capability objectives for robot thermal imagers.

The title and scope are in draft form and are under development within this ASTM Committee.


Developed by Subcommittee: E54.09

Committee: E54

Staff Manager: Kevin Shanahan

Work Item Status

Date Initiated: 02-23-2017

Technical Contact: Raymond Sheh

Item: 000

