Work Item
ASTM WK54919

Revision of C840-13 Standard Specification for Application and Finishing of Gypsum Board


Screw spinout is a condition where the threads of the screw fail to engage the stud thereby preventing the screw head from seating properly below the surface of the gypsum board. This often manifests itself as stripping the hole around the screw in the stud. The result is usually loose board attachment or protruding screw heads. It can happen is both steel framing and wood framing. This new appendix explains some of the causes, guiding the user to avoid certain conditions, which alone may not be an issue, but when occurring in combination can be problematic. The ballot item does two things. It adds a new note following 7.1.6 that points to the new appendix, and it provides the language for the new appendix. This draft has changes marked below to address several negatives and comments that were received on the previous ballot.


Developed by Subcommittee: C11.03

Committee: C11

Staff Manager: Jamie Huffnagle

Work Item Status

Date Initiated: 06-17-2016

Technical Contact: Gina Onodera