This work item involves two actions to revise Practice C1074 for Estimating Concrete Strength by the Maturity Method. The first is to remove the terms datum temperature, equivalent age, and temperature-time factor from the terminology section. These terms were added to Terminology C125 by the action of C09 Ballot 15-02. The second action is to revise the Annex. It will be changed to a non-mandatory Appendix because the procedure for estimating the Q-value or datum temperature is not required in order to use the maturity method. It is only necessary if the user is interested in improving the accuracy of the estimated strength. The data analysis procedure will be revised to only discuss the use of non-linear regression analysis. The availability of user-friendly software allows users to perform non-linear regression analysis to obtain the rate constants at the three curing temperatures. It will no longer be necessary to use setting time tests to estimate the age at the start of strength development.
Date Initiated: 05-13-2016
Technical Contact: Nicholas Carino
Item: 005
Ballot: C09.64 (16-01)
Status: Will Reballot Item
Item: 041
Ballot: C09 (16-03)
Status: Withdrawn From Balloting
Item: 003
Ballot: C09.64 (16-01)
Status: Will Reballot Item
Item: 001
Ballot: COS (17-04)
Status: Withdrawn From Balloting
Item: 038
Ballot: C09 (16-03)
Status: Withdrawn From Balloting
Item: 042
Ballot: C09 (16-03)
Status: Withdrawn From Balloting
Item: 040
Ballot: C09 (16-03)
Status: Withdrawn From Balloting
Item: 029
Ballot: C09 (17-01)
Status: Withdrawn From Balloting
Item: 009
Ballot: C09 (17-04)
Status: Ballot Item Approved