The scope is to quantitatively evaluate a robots capability to convey observed scene, using onboard video sensors, to the operator in a time-critical situation.
camera, C-IED, Counter Improvised Explosive Device (C-IED), emergency response, FEMA, operator control unit, OCU, remote, responder, robot, sensing, sensor, teleoperation, test method, test suite, urban search and rescue, US&R, USAR, video
This test method is developed specifically for emergency response robots. The users include response personnel, robot developers, robot researchers, and for emergency response references. It may be applicable to other application domains. It can be used to ascertain operator proficiencies during training. It can provide practice tasks that exercise robotic control, including actuators, sensors, and operator interfaces. It can also provide performance objectives for the corresponding subsystems on the robots.
The title and scope are in draft form and are under development within this ASTM Committee.
Date Initiated: 03-31-2015
Technical Contact: Raymond Sheh
Item: 001
Ballot: E54.09 (22-02)
Status: In Balloting