Committee F45 Subcommittees

Staff Manager: Nora Nimmerichter

Subcommittees and Standards

Standards under the jurisdiction of F45

Each main committee in ASTM International is composed of subcommittees that address specific segments within the general subject area covered by the technical committee. Click on the subcommittee links below to see the title of existing standards for each subcommittee. Then, click on the resulting titles to see the standard's scope, referenced documents, and more.

  • F45.01 Environmental Conditions and Effects
  • F45.02 A-UGV Docking and Navigation
  • F45.03 A-UGV Object Detection and Protection
  • F45.04 System Communication and Interoperability
  • F45.05 Grasping and Manipulation
  • F45.06 Legged Robot Systems
  • F45.07 Applications
  • F45.90 Executive Subcommittee
  • F45.91 Terminology