Staff Manager: Jennifer Tursi
The promotion of knowledge, stimulation of research, formulation of terminology, guides, practices, and development of standard methods of testing data analysis. The activities relate to wear, friction, and erosion, which may include forms of surface damage of materials and structures.
The areas of interest of the Committee shall be the response of solids to mechanical interactions that occur due to relative motion between a solid material and a contacting substance or substances. This includes surface-to-surface or particle-to-surface sliding or rubbing, flow of fluids or slurries, impingement by liquid jets, drops, or solid particles, and cavitation of contacting liquids. These phenomena sometimes coexist, interact, or overlap with somewhat related phenomena, such as corrosion or lubrication. Where applicable and appropriate, the work of the Committee will be coordinated with other ASTM committees and other organizations having mutual interests, including ASTM Committees G01 on Corrosion of Metals and D02 on Petroleum Products and Lubricants, ASMI, ASME, SAE, STLE, ISO, and others.