Staff Manager: Jamie Huffnagle
The scope of the Committee shall be to promote knowledge of color and appearance properties and characteristics, and to encourage the improvement and development of standards for describing and evaluating appearance properties by:
Stimulating and sponsoring research into color and appearance problems.
Formulating terms, nomenclature, and definitions generally applicable for describing color and appearance.
Developing, or coordinating with other technical committees to develop standards for measuring fundamental and general properties.
Developing standard specifications for those attributes of color and appearance which are appropriate.
Assisting other technical committees to improve color and appearance standards and specifications by advice, suggestions, and dissemination of information.
Reviewing and recommending approval or revision of ASTM standards, existing or proposed, involving color and appearance factors.
Serving, with the approval of the ASTM Board of Directors, as liaison agent between the Society and other organizations in matters concerned with factors of color and appearance.