prior to this ballot Alex Lau previously cast a negative due to a deficient required number of labs in the interlaboratory study (ILS) for Procedure A, the serial dilutions procedure. Alex agreed to withdrew the negative by withdrawing Procedure A leaving only Procedure B, the single dilution procedure. Procedure B has the required number of labs in the ILS. The revised standard was then reballoted.
A negative was cast by Dan Wispinski due to concern of degradation of the test method by eliminating Procedure A. The previous published R&r for Procedure A is better than that for Procedure B. Even though there is less that the required number of labs, Dan felt that a better precision statement may be derived from a full pledged ILS for Procedure A then that for Procedure B. In the opinion of Alex Lau and Bill Welch the R&r for Procedure A appears to be understated. In the absence of Bill Welch the chair of D02.04, Jody Clark, communicated with the following authorities seeking support for a new ILS for Procedure A in the absence of the Technical Contact:
• Tina Gleaves | C1 DFTA Air F&L Technical Manager| Defense Strategic Fuels Authority | Defence Support |UKSTRATCOM | Mail Point 2317 | Larch 3B| Ministry of Defence Abbey Wood| Bristol | BS34 8JH | Mil. (9679) 83593 | Civ. 030 6798 3593 | E-Mail:,
• Wilson, George R. Vice Chair, Aviation Fuel Subcommittee for Aviation Turbine Fuel Section D.02.J.01,
Both Dan and Jody attended J meetings discussing the negative and George Wilson solicited members for a new ILS for Procedure A. After considerable discussions at Sub J meetings and correspondence with those listed above, there was no support indicated for conducting a new ILS for Procedure A.
Dan also pointed out the reproducibility of the proficiency program is much worse than that of either procedure A or B. Bill Welch, technical contact, pointed out the larger reproducibility errors obtain in the ASTM proficiency testing program (PTP) is mostly attributed to spectrophotometers that do not meet the requirements of the wavelength accuracy as found from surveys of participants in the program.
Dan agreed to withdraw the negative provided that a revision is forthcoming to point out the importance of using qualified instruments to improve reproducibility in the PTP. To this end the following ballot is proposed.
Date Initiated: 12-21-2023
Technical Contact: William Welch
Item: 000