Work Item
ASTM WK86568

Revision of E252-06(2021)e1 Standard Test Method for Thickness of Foil, Thin Sheet, and Film by Mass Measurement


This standard was recently up for review and was balloted as re-approval with editorial changes under WK75960 which passed (this was published in 2021, and stands now as the current revision). Prior ballot activity received several negatives and comments which will be addressed here.
This work item is to address the following two items:
1. Form and Style – A prior ballot, B07 (20-01) Item 009 WK71355, received a negative around form and style, specifically the significant and use section, and key words section, did not exist.
2. Removal of Annex A3 – A prior ballot, B07 (23-01) Item 005 WK76887 had a comment related to the removal of Annex A3. With the addition of the proposed significant and use section and referencing to D standards for polymers there is no need to maintain Annex A3 within this standard.


Developed by Subcommittee: B07.05

Committee: B07

Staff Manager: Kristy Straiton

Work Item Status

Date Initiated: 05-26-2023

Technical Contact: Kimberly Maciejewski

Item: 000

