Work Item
ASTM WK86236

Revision of E561-22 Standard Test Method for KR Curve Determination


(concurrent item with E1823) We received a comment in a prior ballot for ASTM E561 regarding rY and ry are used throughout the standard and not consistently. In looking into this symbol and definition more, there is a definition currently in ASTM E1823 for plastic zone adjustment, specific to ASTM E561 and inconsistent with the equations used in ASTM E561 currently. In addition, plastic zone size is commonly referred to in many other standards, for example E561, E1820, E1921 and E647, but not necessarily equation specific. This work item would address the symbol ry (lower case y) versus rY (capital Y) and definitions for plastic zone size and/or plastic zone adjustment. This will item would also examine if specific guidance should be called out on when it is appropriate to use 2ry versus ry in different scenarios.


Developed by Subcommittee: E08.07

Committee: E08

Staff Manager: Brian Milewski

Work Item Status

Date Initiated: 05-04-2023

Technical Contact: Kimberly Maciejewski