Work Item
ASTM WK82642

New Test Method for Cellulose in corn grain biomass

1. Scope

An analytical method for the measurement of cellulosic ethanol with a view to D3 RIN generation from Gen 1.5 corn ethanol production processes


RFS; EPA; CARB; celllulose; cellulosic; biofuels


The EPA has not approved any new D3 RIN pathways for in-situ cellulosic ethanol production since 2017 and previous efforts within ASTM to address this issue have proven unsuccessful. The industry would benefit greatly from an open-source analytical method that meets the stated work item objective. If successful, biofuel producers could use this method to create huge value for the sector.
Justin Sluiter (NREL) published a method for the measurement of cellulose in 2021 and while this provided an open access method for the industry, it has not been adopted

The title and scope are in draft form and are under development within this ASTM Committee.


Developed by Subcommittee: E48.05

Committee: E48

Staff Manager: Brian Milewski

Work Item Status

Date Initiated: 07-07-2022

Technical Contact: David Mangan

Item: 001

Ballot: E48.05 (23-01)

Status: Will Reballot Item

Item: 001

Ballot: E48 (23-03)

Status: Ballot Item Approved

Item: 001

Ballot: E48 (23-02)

Status: Withdrawn From Balloting