Work Item
ASTM WK76494

New Specification for High Solids Content, Cold Liquid-Applied Elastomeric, Silyl-Terminated Polymer Based Waterproofing Membrane for Use with Separate Wearing Course

1. Scope

Over the past 15 years there has been a significant increase in the use of STP (Silyl-terminated polymer) based waterproofing such that it has become recognized as a primary technology for this application. STP based technology has inherent differences in properties and performance when compared to alternative liquid applied waterproofing membranes. This specification serves to give direction to manufacturers and minimum performance requirements to end users so as to allow for better decision making and differentiation between products. Given the growth in this technology and the range of products offered by a multitude of manufacturers it is appropriate to have a stand-alone standard in ASTM. This is consistent with other ASTM standards which differentiate on the basis of polymer technology.




Over the past 15 years there has been a significant increase in the use of STP (Silyl-terminated polymer) based waterproofing such that it has become recognized as a primary technology for this application. STP based technology has inherent differences in properties and performance when compared to alternative liquid applied waterproofing membranes. This specification serves to give direction to manufacturers and minimum performance requirements to end users so as to allow for better decision making and differentiation between products. Given the growth in this technology and the range of products offered by a multitude of manufacturers it is appropriate to have a stand-alone standard in ASTM. This is consistent with other ASTM standards which differentiate on the basis of polymer technology.

The title and scope are in draft form and are under development within this ASTM Committee.


Developed by Subcommittee: D08.22

Committee: D08

Staff Manager: Jamie Huffnagle

Work Item Status

Date Initiated: 04-08-2021

Technical Contact: Jonathan Ballema

Item: 015

Ballot: D08 (22-04)

Status: Negative Votes Need Resolution

Item: 001

Ballot: D08.22 (21-04)

Status: Will Reballot Item

Item: 001

Ballot: D08.22 (21-02)

Status: Will Reballot Item

Item: 007

Ballot: D08 (22-01)

Status: Will Reballot Item