
Coleção de padrões ASTM para petróleo em português

ASTM Petroleum Standards Collection – Portuguese

Get access to Portuguese Translations for the most popular petroleum standards! This collection includes several of the most referenced ASTM standard test methods, practices, and product specifications developed by ASTM International Committees:

D02 - Petroleum Products, Liquid Fuels, and Lubricants
D03 - Gaseous Fuels
E20 - Temperature Measurement

From Section 5: Petroleum Products, Lubricants, and Fossil Fuels - Featuring standards that cover fuels, oils, lubricants, and solvents. They address alternative diesel fuels and diesel fuel blend components, (including biodiesel), ethanol, and ethanol blends. They also feature standards for evaluating the properties of motor, diesel, automotive spark-ignition engine fuel, ethanol, aviation fuels, solvent hexane, and naphtha.

Standards cover carbon residue, kinematic viscosity, cloud and pour point, density and API gravity, water and sediment, flash point, and sulfur content. Other subjects include natural and liquefied petroleum, pure light hydrocarbons, crude petroleum, wax and petrolatum, and hydraulic fluids.

Also includes standards for evaluating the properties of film lubricants, lubricating greases, lubricating oil, used oils, cutting oils, turbine oils, and engine tests (octane and cetane numbers).

This collection provides some tests and practices to evaluate the properties of gaseous fuels, coal and coke. It also includes standards on bioenergy and industrial chemicals from biomass, and covers characterization, manufacturing, and sustainability. It includes tests that evaluate catalytic materials, and standards for performing chemical and physical tests on manufactured carbon and graphite products.

Some included standards include analysis of acid and base number, ash, CHN, cold filter plugging point, color, copper corrosion, atmospheric and vacuum distillation, electrical conductivity, elemental metals analysis, heat content, hydrocarbon types, FIA, lubricity by HFRR and BOCLE, and nitrogen content.

Additional analysis of oxidation and thermal stability, particulate contamination, water by Karl Fischer, asphaltenes, n-Heptane insolubles, gum content, freeze point, sulfur mercaptans, naphthalenes, smoke point, thermal stability by JFTOT, water separation by MSEP, aromatic content of benzene and toluene, olefins, phosphorus, oxygenates, vapor pressure RVP, and organic and inorganic chlorides, among others.

Also included are the standard practices for sampling of petroleum products by both manual and automatic samplers. For LPG products, the practice for sampling Liquefied Petroleum (LP) Gases manual method and using a floating piston cylinder.

Translated standards are continuously added to this collection every year. Once part of the collection, a translated standard is maintained up to date with the English version.

For more information and pricing contact the ASTM International Portuguese Sales Team | | tel (+1 61) 0832.9699

Developed by Committee: D02