SYMPOSIA PAPER Published: 01 January 1958

A Study of the Accuracy of Methods of Testing for Dissolved Oxygen in High-Purity Water


A study of the accuracy of several methods of testing for dissolved oxygen in high-purity water, was conducted under the sponsorship of the Dissolved Oxygen Subsection, Subcommittee IV, ASTM Committee D-19 on Industrial Water. The methods studied were the referee method of ASTM Method D 888 using both the potentiometric and dead-stop end point titrations, the Non-Referee Methods A and B of ASTM Method D 888, and the Schwartz-Gurney method employing both the starch and dead-stop titrations. The basis for the accuracy determinations was the metered addition of both aerated water and oxidizing and reducing interference into the deaerated boiler feedwater. All additions as well as the procurement of samples were made under a prescribed statistical plan. A statistical study of the data supplied by these tests and the effect of various anomalies of the test are discussed. Generally speaking, the study confirmed the assumed greater accuracy of the referee methods compared to the other procedures; however, because of the extreme difficulty of obtaining water samples of known dissolved oxygen content, the absolute accuracy of the methods could not be evaluated clearly.

Author Information

Stoffer, K., G.
Arabian American Oil Co., Dhahran, Saudi Arabia
Price: $25.00
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Developed by Committee: D19
Pages: 3–17
DOI: 10.1520/STP48049S
ISBN-EB: 978-0-8031-8120-5
ISBN-13: 978-0-8031-6555-7