SYMPOSIA PAPER Published: 01 April 2006

Study of Weatherability of Construction Sealants with Novel Testing Method


Although construction sealants are used for all kinds of construction joints such as static joints with little movement, dynamic joints with thermal or seismically induced movement, and so on, the general test methods employed in the evaluation of the weatherability of construction joint are based on weathering test without movement. In November of 2000, AIJ (Architectural Institute of Japan) established a subcommittee chartered with developing an accelerated weathering test method, which enables the determination of the durability of waterproofing materials and sealants. In this activity, we evaluated the weatherability of sealants with a new test method using newly developed test specimens, which enable exposing the cured sealants to compression and extension at the same time in a single test specimen. In this paper, we report the interim test results, which cover twelve months of natural weathering and 3500 hours arti.cial weathering with xenon lamp and carbon flame weathering device. In this evaluation, we confirm that the surface degradation of sealants is accelerated by the additional movement cycles, and the differences in the degradation among the sealants are becoming observable.

Author Information

Enomoto, N
Japan Sealant Industry Association (JSIA), Tokyo, Japan
Ito, A
Japan Sealant Industry Association (JSIA), Tokyo, Japan
Shimizu, I
Japan Testing Center for Construction Materials, Saitama, Japan
Matsumura, T
Hokkaido Northern Building Research Institute, Hokkaido, Japan
Takane, Y
Japan Weathering Test Center, Chiba, Japan
Tanaka, K
Tokyo Institute of Technology, Yokohama, Japan
Price: $25.00
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Developed by Committee: C24
Pages: 82–90
DOI: 10.1520/STP41028S
ISBN-EB: 978-0-8031-5892-4
ISBN-13: 978-0-8031-3414-0