SYMPOSIA PAPER Published: 01 January 1993

Development of a Solid-Phase Extraction Method for Herbicide Residue Analysis of Soil Samples


National concern for the environment has brought about many changes for the agricultural community. The 1990 Farm Bill provided funding for water quality research that improves the understanding of the fate and transport of farm chemicals which can contaminate water and cause adverse environmental effects (United States 101st Congress 1990). Accurate models of pesticide movement and degradation require extensive monitoring in vitro and in vivo. This type of research will involve laboratory analysis of a sundry of matrices for contaminant residues. Recent method development has led to using solid-phase extraction (SPE) to concentrate and extract contaminants found within environmental samples. The objective of this study was to modify the above procedure in order to obtain adequate recovery of several herbicides from a soil matrix. Precision and accuracy determinations would be performed in order to evaluate the methodology. This paper reports on the development of analysis procedures for the herbicide alachlor [2-chloro-2,6-diethyl-N methoxymethyl acetanilide].

Author Information

Chirnside, AEM
University of Delaware, Newark, DE
Ritter, WF
University of Delaware, Newark, DE
Price: $25.00
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Developed by Committee: D18
Pages: 92–97
DOI: 10.1520/STP23874S
ISBN-EB: 978-0-8031-5225-0
ISBN-13: 978-0-8031-1475-3