SYMPOSIA PAPER Published: 01 January 1990

Development of a Short Term Testing Method for Welded Liners


One of the critical areas of a sealing made of polymer liners is the seam. The difficult and often changing conditions during welding on the site are the reason for this. Since nondestructive testing methods do not control the adhesion of the junction, destructive testing of welded samples is necessary.With the control of the welding parameters during the welding process, constant quality can be guaranteed. Therefore it is of great interest, to find testing methods which allow to improve the quality of the seam in a short term testing procedure. This way, the parameters for the welding process and seam quality can be optimized on the site.

In a reseach project, sponsored by the German Department of the Environment and performed by the Süddeutsche Kunststoff Zentrum, several tests on welded samples were carried out, related to the different properties. To test the adhesive forces in the seam, peeling tensile tests at elevated temperatures and constant loads allow best distinction. Correlations between time to failure in the long-term peel test and geometry of the seam could be found. For correlations between ageing of the polymer material caused by the welding and internal stress in the seam, no simple test procedure could be found up to this day. The project will be continued.

Author Information

Schmachtenberg, E
Bielefeldt, KF
Price: $25.00
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Developed by Committee: D35
Pages: 143–154
DOI: 10.1520/STP19029S
ISBN-EB: 978-0-8031-5139-0
ISBN-13: 978-0-8031-1456-2