SYMPOSIA PAPER Published: 01 November 2023

E110opt Fuel Cladding Corrosion under PWR Conditions


This paper presents the results of a comparative analysis of corrosion-state studies of E110opt alloy fuel rod claddings carried out in the Studsvik “hot cells” after irradiation in the Halden reactor as well as after 3 years of operation at the Ringhals-3 nuclear power plant (NPP). The experimental fuel rods in the Halden were operated in a water-chemistry regime with increased lithium content (10 ppm lithium). During operation of the TVS-K fuel design in the PWR reactor at the Ringhals-3 NPP, the lithium content in the coolant was at the level of 3.5 ppm. The corrosion state of the fuel rod claddings was estimated from the results of eddy-current liftoff studies, metallographic analysis, transmission electron microscopy/scanning electron microscopy studies of the structural-phase state of oxide film, and lithium distribution over the oxide layer thickness studies by laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry. The results obtained show that increased values of the lithium content in the coolant (10 ppm) lead to an increase in the oxidation state of the fuel rod claddings that is associated with prolonged exposure to an aggressive environment. The lithium content in the fuel rod cladding oxide film after irradiation in the Halden reactor is over two times higher than the typical values obtained during industrial operation in the PWR reactor. The results of TVS-K operation at the Ringhals-3 NPP showed a high corrosion resistance of fuel rod claddings made from E110opt alloy. The maximum oxide film thickness values do not exceed 9 μm, which is consistent with the results obtained after industrial operation in VVER reactors. Thus, the PWR water chemistry (with a standard lithium content ≤5 ppm) has no effect on the corrosion intensification of the fuel rod claddings made from E110opt alloy.

Author Information

Shevyakov, Alexander, Yu.
SC “VNIINM,”, Moscow, RU
Novikov, Vladimir, V.
SC “VNIINM,”, Moscow, RU
Markelov, Vladimir, A.
SC “VNIINM,”, Moscow, RU
Lafchiev, Kalin
Studsvik Nuclear AB, SE
Johnson, Kyle, D.
Studsvik Nuclear AB, SE
Jädernäs, Daniel
Studsvik Nuclear AB, SE
Ugryumov, Alexander, V.
JSC “TVEL,”, Moscow, RU
Radostin, Alexander, F.
JSC “TVEL,”, Moscow, RU
Waginder, Rasmus
Ringhals AB, SE
Price: $25.00
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Pages: 313–330
DOI: 10.1520/STP164520220021
ISBN-EB: 978-0-8031-7738-3
ISBN-13: 978-0-8031-7737-6