SYMPOSIA PAPER Published: 01 December 2022

Measurement Strategy for an Irradiated Graphite Postirradiation Examination Campaign


The National Nuclear Laboratory (NNL) sites at Sellafield have measured more than 15,000 irradiated graphite samples from a variety of reactors over the last 25 years. With measurements required to support commercial reactor operational safety cases, there has been a need to maximize postirradiation examination (PIE) measurement campaign efficiency while maintaining high levels of accuracy and reproducibility. This paper gives an overview of the best practices that the NNL have developed through operational experiences of how to conduct a PIE measurement campaign on irradiated graphite. More specifically it covers sample identification and tracking, technique development and validation, measurement strategy, and sample preparation. We then use the NNL-developed technique of laser mensuration as a case study to probe some of these topics further. The laser mensuration technique uses two scanning laser heads to measure small sample dimensions of irradiated graphite specimens, in a short period of time, to an accuracy of microns, remotely within a hot cell. To achieve this, multiple factors must be considered in terms of rig operation and environment that must be compensated for within the analysis of the data.

Author Information

Wilkinson, Samantha
National Nuclear Laboratory, Central Laboratory, Cumbria, GB
Shaw, Tim
National Nuclear Laboratory, Central Laboratory, Cumbria, GB
Price: $25.00
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Pages: 160–182
DOI: 10.1520/STP163920210063
ISBN-EB: 978-0-8031-7726-0
ISBN-13: 978-0-8031-7725-3