SYMPOSIA PAPER Published: 28 July 2021

Thoughts on the Needed Focal Areas in the Research and Understanding of In-Reactor Corrosion, Hydrogen Absorption, and Hydrogen Migration in Zirconium Alloys


Despite more than 60 years of research and development into the topics of corrosion, hydrogen absorption, and hydrogen migration in zirconium alloys, significant gaps remain in our fundamental understanding of many of the key processes and factors that govern and differentiate the in-reactor performance of one alloy from another—in particular, the mechanisms behind the significantly different in-reactor corrosion and hydrogen pickup performance of the zirconium-tin (Zr-Sn) family of alloys from the zirconium-niobium (Zr-Nb) family of alloys. This paper briefly reviews recent Naval Nuclear Laboratory work and publications on these topics related to Zircaloy-4, and it provides thoughts on the key areas for future development needed to advance our fundamental understanding of in-reactor corrosion, hydrogen pickup, and hydrogen redistribution in zirconium alloys.

Author Information

Kammenzind, Bruce, F.
Naval Nuclear Laboratories: Bettis Laboratory, West Mifflin, PA, US Knolls Laboratory, Schenectady, NY, US
Price: $25.00
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Pages: 25–43
DOI: 10.1520/STP162220190107
ISBN-EB: 978-0-8031-7691-1
ISBN-13: 978-0-8031-7690-4