SYMPOSIA PAPER Published: 31 October 2019

Forced Entry and Ballistics Protection for Buildings and Infrastructure Facilities


This paper discusses the ongoing development of one and possibly more guide standards within ASTM Subcommittee E54.05 on Building and Infrastructure Protection that will provide architects and owners with the background and guidance in order to specify the security performance and testing requirements for building elements based upon the levels of security required and considering two criteria, forced entry resistance and ballistics resistance (FE/BR). There are many other aspects of physical security to consider; however, these standards will focus primarily upon these two considerations. Also included will be a discussion regarding the well-established and ongoing strong relationships and coordinated efforts among ASTM Committees E54 on Homeland Security Applications, F12 on Security Systems and Equipment, and F33 on Detention and Correctional Facilities, as well as two relevant trade associations, the Hollow Metal Manufacturers Association, a division of the National Association of Architectural Metal Manufacturers, and the Steel Door Institute. There are several standards under the jurisdiction of these committees and associations that have significant value and applicability to a variety of applications having to do with the FE/BR requirements for the secure elements of building exteriors, such as doors, windows, walls, and roofs, as well as the security envelopes inside buildings such as doors, walls, borrowed lights, and ceilings. This paper will continue to explore these subjects and then will conclude by elaborating on the recent research and development in the areas of FE/BR protection for buildings and infrastructure facilities. There has been considerable work done in these areas in recent years that is already contributing to the advancement of homeland security, and it is sure to make a positive impact on into the future. Work is ongoing and, of course, is vitally important with regard to future facility safety and security.

Author Information

Stapleton, James, A.
Habersham Metal Products Company, Inc., Cornelia, GA, US
Price: $25.00
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Developed by Committee: E54
Pages: 157–180
DOI: 10.1520/STP161420180054
ISBN-EB: 978-0-8031-7674-4
ISBN-13: 978-0-8031-7673-7