SYMPOSIA PAPER Published: 22 August 2013

Abrasion Testing on Multi-Component Geosynthetic Clay Liners


Geosynthetic clay liners (GCLs) are used in numerous applications from earth-work-related projects such as ponds and landfills to concrete-related work such as waterproofing applications. Multi-component GCLs have been used extensively in the past two decades; however, some multi-component GCLs should be used only in specific applications and should not be used in earth-work-related projects where abrasion-type damages might occur. Two types of multi-component GCLs were used in various shear box tests to help simulate potential abrasion-type damages that might occur in field projects. A polypropylene-coated GCL and a polyethylene-laminated geofilm GCL were subjected to various subgrade conditions to determine whether damage occurred. However, it should be said that multi-component GCLs are made and offered to eliminate some unknown factors on projects such as a lack of subgrade information provided prior to deployment start up, and thus there is a need for them.

Author Information

Herlin, B.
Terrafix Geosynthetics, Toronto, CA
Kennedy, B.
TAG Environmental, Barrie, CA
Price: $25.00
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Developed by Committee: D35
Pages: 116–121
DOI: 10.1520/STP156220120071
ISBN-EB: 978-0-8031-7573-0
ISBN-13: 978-0-8031-7548-8