SYMPOSIA PAPER Published: 01 January 1996

Heritage Conservation: From Traditional to Contemporary Heritage Using One Analytical Method


The Hôtel du Breuil St. Germain in Langres is a town house constructed in the sixteenth and eighteenth centuries, now used as a museum. The architectural study for restoration of the house began with archival research and archaeological investigation. It was essential to understand the chronology of construction of the house, including both sixteenth and eighteenth century construction and alterations made during the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, before a program for the restoration could be designed. It was decided to retain the eighteenth century work as well as the original sixteenth century house in the restoration. The restoration of the garden was included in the program after sketches of the original planting scheme were discovered during the archival research.

The Marché à Reims (Reims Market) is a thin-shell, catenary barrel vaulted structure composed of reinforced concrete. It was constructed in 1927 and designed by engineer Eugene Freyssinet, a pioneer in the use of reinforced concrete, with architect Emile Maigrot. Mr. Gatier's investigative methodology for this structure included archaeological as well as architectural and structural study. Archival research included the study of old photographs showing the construction process. These photos permitted the investigators to understand the original form marks found in the concrete. The selected restoration technique will retain these original marks of construction.

Through these case studies, Mr. Gatier will address the theme that whether restoration deals with old or modern structures the same methodology is required. There is no gap between preservation of the old and the new. And only with appropriate archival research and archaeological investigation can the restoration be properly designed.

Author Information

Gatier, P-A
, Paris, France
Mueller, BJ
National Park Service, Denver Service Center, Clamart, France
Price: $25.00
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Developed by Committee: E06
Pages: 45–63
DOI: 10.1520/STP15424S
ISBN-EB: 978-0-8031-5321-9
ISBN-13: 978-0-8031-2006-8