SYMPOSIA PAPER Published: 01 January 1995

Space Transportation Main Engine (STME) Database Standardization


The joint NASA/U.S. Air Force National Launch System (NLS) Space Transportation Main Engine (STME) Program utilized a government and contractor team to develop a common materials database system. A standardized materials data flow for the STME was constructed to allow raw materials property data with its pedigree to be captured and statistically reduced into design allowable properties with full traceability. The goal was to make the data flow as efficient and reliable as possible, while generating the required high-quality materials properties. To meet this goal, a systematic approach was applied to the database development that focused on establishing consensus standards and requirements. Key steps included the following: (1) conducting a Quality Function Deployment (QFD), (2) establishing requirements to drive the design allowable material properties, (3) deriving standard statistical methodology, (4) generating standard test procedures, (5) developing comprehensive standard data and analysis formats with automated data entry, and (6) establishing an approval agency to monitor the data acceptability.

Author Information

Lee, JE
STME Chief Engineer's Office, NASA Marshall Space Flight Center, AL
Jewett, RP
Moore, DR
NASA Marshall Space Flight Center, AL
Murphy, AR
Rockwell International, Downey, CA
Horn, RM
BWR Technology, Sacramento, CA
Funkhouser, ME
Pratt and Whitney, West Palm Beach, FL
Price: $25.00
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Developed by Committee: E49
Pages: 48–63
DOI: 10.1520/STP15404S
ISBN-EB: 978-0-8031-5312-7
ISBN-13: 978-0-8031-2026-6