SYMPOSIA PAPER Published: 01 January 1992

Tribological Approaches for Elastomer Applications in Computer Peripherals


In computer peripheral equipment, such as printers and check sorters, elastomers are frequently used as dampers to control impact and as rollers to stop and feed paper and ribbon. To address such applications tests and models were developed to evaluate materials and predict performance. In this paper, the models and tests used to address both impact and feed roll applications are described, along with examples of their applications. In both applications the tests are used to compare materials and to provide values of empirical parameters required for application of the models.

The test techniques and apparatii used to evaluate materials for these applications are described. Further a model developed for impact wear of elastomers and its application to several wear points in an electro-magnet unit of a high speed printer will be presented. Also an abrasive wear model used for feed roll applications will be discussed. Its use will be illustrated by two examples. One is taken from a check sorter; the other, from a ribbon stuffing box application. In both feed roll applications additional friction tests were required. The methods used to determine the coefficient of friction will also be presented.

In these applications predictions of the models were compared with actual performance. The agreement between these predictions and actual performance, which is generally good, will also be discussed.

Additionally, various aspects of another application of elastomers in high speed printing, i.e., as push rod tips, will be discussed. In this application cracking at stress concentration locations is a concern, as well as surface wear. The experimental and analytical approaches used to understand and characterize behavior in this application will be presented.

Author Information

Bayer, RG
IBM Corporation, Endicott, NY
Price: $25.00
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Developed by Committee: G02
Pages: 114–126
DOI: 10.1520/STP15335S
ISBN-EB: 978-0-8031-5203-8
ISBN-13: 978-0-8031-1467-8