SYMPOSIA PAPER Published: 01 January 1994

Mono-Energetic Mono-Directional Resonance Neutron Activation of Natural Indium Metal Target


The mono-energetic neutrons of 1.456eV energy are obtained from 1 MWth TR-I SWIMMING POOL TYPE RESEARCH REACTOR using double collimated beams and BRAGG reflection of pure Beryllium mono-crystal with extremely fine energy resolution.

Foil thickness for 3 foils were 26.,28. and 44.10-4 cm and they were perpendicular to the beam of mono-energetic neutrons and were irradiated in sandwich form. After irradiation, the saturation activities were obtained using Phillips two-pie special “beta-ray” detector in a well controlled and shielded geometry. Counting reproducibility was excellent(better than 0.1%). SPECIAL ATTENTION was paid to the irradiated(side A) and non-irradiated(sideB) sides of the foils. Usual irradiation and decay corrections were applied to obtain the saturation activities.

In this work, the preliminary calculations of reaction rates using Nakazawa M. et al.,JENDL Dosimetry file, JAERI 1325,(1992) were performed. Considerable differences are found between the calculations and experiment and possible reasons are still under investigation. The preliminary calculations of reaction rates using ENDFB/VI are in agreement with JENDL-3 estimates. Absolute reaction rate estimates are not yet ready.

Considerable numbers of research centers are interested in the experiment and very constructive inputs are expressed and obtained from Hiroyuki Oigawa, Shigeaki Okajima and T. Mukaiyama, JAERI, Japan; N.P. Baumann and K.O. Ott, USA; E. Zsolnay and E. Szondy, Hungary; M.C. Lopes and J. Molina,Portugal; F. Bensch, H. Böck Austria; and M. Turgut and A.Ìsyar,Turkey, Investigations using collision theory,multiple scattering and monte-carlo techniques have been undertaken.

Author Information

Ertek, C
IAEA, Vienna, Austria
Oigawa, H
JAERI, Tokai-Mura, Ibaraki-ken, Japan
Price: $25.00
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Developed by Committee: E10
Pages: 187–194
DOI: 10.1520/STP15111S
ISBN-EB: 978-0-8031-5281-6
ISBN-13: 978-0-8031-1899-7