SYMPOSIA PAPER Published: 01 January 1995

A Novel Approach to Dynamic Rip-Arrest Characterization of Heat-Treated Low-Alloy Steels


Hydrotests, causing generally elastic failures of common pressurized-gas cylinders about 180–235 mm diameter, have permitted estimates of dynamic rip-resistance in heat-treated, low-alloy steels about 5–7 mm thick. Failures initiated from localized plastic instability of ligaments produced by narrow, axial, exterior-grooving of the cylinder walls. Depressurization proceeded at sonic speed from this origin, effectively unloading pressure behind the wave front, creating a modified rip-driving-force compared to that of gaseous pressurization at the same level. In these tests dynamic rip-arrest resulted since the full-thickness rip speed was slower than water's sonic speed.

Sometime after initiation, moderate bulging developed at most rips; bulges were pressed down and the rip welded shut. Different groove cuts and failures in each of several cylinders provided ranges of rip-arrest, the key to estimating quantitative results for three cylinders.

Methods for analytical modification of the effective hoop stress and the cylinder correction factor were not found, so a delta-process was devised for estimating the rip-driving-force variation. Variables were adjusted and computations iterated to find common solutions for rip-resistance and rip-speed behavior for the several different rips.

Closed tubes of similar material and dimensions could become ‘standard’ specimens for estimating dynamic rip resistance, without resort to instrumented measurements; a likely novel approach.

Author Information

Anderson, WE
Price: $25.00
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Developed by Committee: E08
Pages: 575–588
DOI: 10.1520/STP14617S
ISBN-EB: 978-0-8031-5294-6
ISBN-13: 978-0-8031-1882-9