SYMPOSIA PAPER Published: 01 January 2001

Effect of Friction on the Perceived Mode II Delamination Toughness from Three- and Four-Point Bend End-Notched Flexure Tests


Results are presented from a study on the effect of friction on the Mode II delamination toughness as obtained by three- and four-point bend end-notched flexure tests. Finite-element analyses are used to assess the effect of friction on the compliance and energy release rate of the two types of test specimens. Energy release rates are first obtained by a virtual crack closure technique, which can be used to separate the energy lost by the system into that dissipated by friction and that used for crack advance. Energy release rates are then obtained by a simulated compliance calibration procedure. By modeling this commonly used method of data reduction and comparing results with those obtained by crack closure, the ratio of the material's intrinsic toughness to the toughness perceived by users of the tests can be assessed. For both tests, this assessment is made for physically realistic coefficients of friction and, for the four-point end-notched flexure test, as a function of the ratio of inner to outer span length. It is shown that frictional effects on the perceived toughness are considerably larger in the four-point than in the three-point bend end-notched flexure geometry, but that an appropriate choice of the four-point test geometry can make the influence of friction quite small.

Author Information

Schuecker, C
Aerospace and Manufacturing Engineering, Syracuse University, Syracuse, NY
Davidson, BD
Aerospace and Manufacturing Engineering, Syracuse University, Syracuse, NY
Price: $25.00
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Developed by Committee: D30
Pages: 334–344
DOI: 10.1520/STP14518S
ISBN-EB: 978-0-8031-5449-0
ISBN-13: 978-0-8031-2862-0