SYMPOSIA PAPER Published: 01 January 1999

Irradiation Induced Growth and Microstructure Evolution of Zr-1.2Sn-1Nb-0.4Fe Under Neutron Irradiation to High Doses


Zirconium alloy components subjected to long-term operation and high doses in thermal reactors need to be highly irradiation resistant to provide integrity of components, primarily, their geometrical sizes. Transmission and scanning electron microscopy, energy dispersive X-ray microanalysis used to investigate thin foils and extraction replicas of irradiated zirconium, Zr-1Nb (E110) and Zr-1.2Sn-1Nb-0.4Fe (E635) alloys allowed us to analyze the evolution of their microstructure under neutron irradiation. The experimental irradiations that were conducted at 350°C to 1027 n/m2 (E ≥ 0.1 MeV) show that the most irradiation resistant alloy proved to be a multicomponent E635 alloy. It is not essentially subject to growth. Dislocation structure and phase composition were studied as interrelated to different stages of irradiation induced growth. The accelerated growth correlates with a high density of basal — plane 〈c〉-component dislocations.

Author Information

Nikulina, AV
A. A. Bochvar All-Russia Research Institute of Inorganic Materials, Moscow, Russia
Shishov, VN
A. A. Bochvar All-Russia Research Institute of Inorganic Materials, Moscow, Russia
Peregud, MM
A. A. Bochvar All-Russia Research Institute of Inorganic Materials, Moscow, Russia
Tselischev, AV
A. A. Bochvar All-Russia Research Institute of Inorganic Materials, Moscow, Russia
Shamardin, VK
V. I. Lenin Scientific Research Institute of Atomic Reactors, Dimitrovgrad, Russia
Kobylyansky, GP
V. I. Lenin Scientific Research Institute of Atomic Reactors, Dimitrovgrad, Russia
Price: $25.00
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Developed by Committee: E10
Pages: 1045–1061
DOI: 10.1520/STP13919S
ISBN-EB: 978-0-8031-5395-0
ISBN-13: 978-0-8031-2614-5