SYMPOSIA PAPER Published: 01 January 1993

Modeling of the Thermo-Elastic Properties of Woven Fabric Composites in Complex Shapes


The fabrication of complex parts such as double curvature shells made from woven fabric composites leads to in-plane shear deformations that modify the orthogonal structure of the fabric. This may cause significant changes in the thermo-mechanical properties of each ply. This paper presents a study on the thermo-mechanical properties of woven fabric composites after in-plane shear deformations resulting from the forming process of fabrication. The properties of the deformed composite are predicted using a sub-plies model. Using equivalent properties that have been deter- mined experimentally for fictive unidirectional sub-plies, the modeling of the thermo-elastic proper ties of non-orthotropic, deformed woven fabric composites in parts of complex shape is proposed. The advantage of the model is that it allows direct use of layered shell elements in finite elements codes. The validity of the model is verified by performing experimental measurements on woven fabric composites of two different fabric structures, previously deformed by in-plane shearing. The results show that the sub-plies model predicts relatively well the elastic properties of deformed woven fabric composites. It also shows the important influence of the weaving pattern on the properties of these composites.

Author Information

Laroche, D
National Research Council of Canada, Industrial Materials Institute (NRCC/IMI), Boucherville, Quebec, Canada
Vu-Khanh, T
École Polytechnique de Montréal, and program leader, National Research Council of Canada, Industrial Materials Institute (NRCC/IMI), Boucherville, Québec, Canada
Price: $25.00
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Developed by Committee: D30
Pages: 263–275
DOI: 10.1520/STP12633S
ISBN-EB: 978-0-8031-5252-6
ISBN-13: 978-0-8031-1879-9