SYMPOSIA PAPER Published: 01 January 1997

Crevice Corrosion Testing of Austenitic, Superaustenitic, Superferritic, and Superduplex Stainless Type Alloys in Seawater


In industry, many problems from corrosion occurring in crevices have been experienced and reported. These include the refining industry, offshore drilling platforms, fossil and nuclear power plants, chemical plants and the public utilities. The services are highly variable. Corrosion mechanisms and the results experienced are influenced by severe environments which cannot always be avoided.

Corrosion testing is considered useful not only in comparing materials, but also in selecting materials from the design standpoint. The ultimate goal is to use materials which are superior to those currently in use. This will result in fewer outages, reduce repairs and significantly lower costs.

This paper provides the results from four seawater test programs addressing crevice corrosion resistance of a number of “superferritic,” “superaustenitic,” and “superduplex” alloys, along with conventional “300 Series” stainless steel. These programs included exposure to natural fouling organisms which can produce crevices, and testing which comprised several different manmade crevice configurations. Alloys found to be resistant under some test conditions were prone to attack under others. All of the “super stainless” steels were found to be more resistant to crevice corrosion than conventional austenitic grades, but some were susceptible to some degree.

Author Information

Zeuthen, AW
Long Island Lighting Co., Melville, NY
Kain, RM
LaQue Center for Corrosion Technology, Inc., Wrightsville Beach, NC
Price: $25.00
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Developed by Committee: G01
Pages: 91–108
DOI: 10.1520/STP11359S
ISBN-EB: 978-0-8031-5358-5
ISBN-13: 978-0-8031-2025-9