SYMPOSIA PAPER Published: 01 November 2012

Comparison between Hybrid III Headforms by Linear and Angular Dynamic Impact Response Characteristics


The development of surrogate headforms with similar dimensions and weight to that of a human head has allowed researchers to collect dynamic impact response data for impact reconstructions and injury assessment. These headforms are relied upon to deliver accurate and repeatable dynamic impact response data for setting helmet certification standards as well as head injury reconstruction. With recent research demonstrating the importance of measuring three dimensional dynamic impact response characteristics, the Hybrid III headform is a potentially a good candidate for use in standards testing and impact reconstructions. Currently, this headform is validated with a single 37.6-cm drop to the front region of the headform with an acceptance window of 50 g. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to compare the dynamic impact response of two Hybrid III headforms and verify repeatability, compare dynamic impact response, and determine how closely the two headforms correlate across different impact conditions. Two Hybrid III headforms were dropped from nine heights at two impact locations (front and side). Results of this study show that the two headforms are highly correlated across drop heights. Significant differences in terms of dynamic impact response were found between the two headforms across impact conditions. This study showed that two Hybrid III headforms produce similar mean peak linear acceleration for front centric impacts, however, differ significantly for mean peak angular response.

Author Information

Kendall, Marshall
Human Kinetics, Neurotrauma Impact Science Laboratory, Univ. of Ottawa, CA
Hoshizaki, Thomas, Blaine
Human Kinetics, Neurotrauma Impact Science Laboratory, Univ. of Ottawa, CA
Price: $25.00
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Developed by Committee: F27
Pages: 250–260
DOI: 10.1520/STP104270
ISBN-EB: 978-0-8031-7566-2
ISBN-13: 978-0-8031-7539-6