Journal Published Online: 26 February 2018
Volume 2, Issue 1

Quantification and Compensation of CAM Errors in HSM



To determine the numerical process imprecision of the complex shapes in high-speed machining, we must concentrate our study on computer-aided manufacturing (CAM) and computer-aided design (CAD) numerical models. At first, we define the theoretical prototype part in CAD. Then, the manufacturing software calculates the set of points and features of the tool orientations on the reference surface. However, we cannot always generate CAM machining trajectories that are identical to the theoretical contour. Depending on the complexity of the surface to be machined, CAM errors are generated between the theoretical contour and the machining trajectory. In this article, we proposed a quantification and a compensation tool of the CAM errors. In doing so, analytical models, which define the nodes of the tool-part contact, were developed. After that, a simulation tool based on a numerical calculation approach was structured. Finally, to compensate for the CAM errors in 2-D, the mirror method was used.

Author Information

Msaddek, El Bechir
University of Sfax, ENIS, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Unit of Applied Fluids Mechanics of Process Engineering and Environment, Soukra Rd. km 4 - 3038 Sfax, Tunisia
Bouaziz, Zoubeir
University of Sfax, ENIS, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Unit of Applied Fluids Mechanics of Process Engineering and Environment, Soukra Rd. km 4 - 3038 Sfax, Tunisia
Dessein, Gilles
University of Toulouse, ENIT-INPT, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Laboratory of Production Engineering, Tarbes Cedex, France
Pages: 17
Price: Free
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Stock #: SSMS20170003
ISSN: 2520-6478
DOI: 10.1520/SSMS20170003