
Reference Radiographs for E186 Heavy-Walled (2 to 4 1/2-in. (51 to 114-mm)) Steel Castings - Volume II + Active Standard

Reference Radiographs are nondestructive testing standards universally accepted because of their high reliability in accept-reject actions.

These reference radiographs for heavy-walled steel castings are applicable to nominal section thicknesses of 2 to 4-1/2 in. ( 51 to 114 mm) and consist of three separate sets as follows:

RRE018602 — (Volume II): 2-MV X Rays and Cobalt-60 (called "gamma rays" previously). This includes cobalt-60 or equivalent isotope radiation and from 2-MV up to 4-MV X Rays. Set of 28 plates ( 5 by 8 in.) in a 15 by 17-in. ring binder.

A copy of the current ASTM standard is included with the purchase of these reference radiographs. These reference radiographs are also available: Save when you buy the three-volume set

Price: $1,982.00 (Includes Standard)
Contact Sales
Standard: E186
Developed by Committee: E07
Stock # : RRE018602