Work Item
ASTM WK91019

New Guide for Construction of Master Curves for Asphalt Binders

1. Scope

1.1 This guide provides guidance, recommended practice, and options for the development of asphalt binder mastercurves including recommended raw data, data quality analysis, curve fitting, and error analysis. This procedures and recommendations in this Guide are only applicable to binders that exhibit linear viscoelastic behavior.
1.2 The procedures described in this guide consists of three basic steps; a preliminary evaluation of the reasonableness of the data, shifting of the data to form a master curve, and a post-shifting evaluation of the master curve.
1.3 Two shifting methods are presented: free shifting and constrained shifting.
1.4 Numerical examples of the two shifting methods are given using an un- and a PMB-modified binder.


Asphalt Binder; Mastercurve; Time-temperature superposition; linear viscoelastic


Currently there is no standard procedure for generating asphalt binder master curves. A master curve is not unique; it is a product of the techniques and procedures by which it is produced. The technical literature seldom cites the method by which reported master curves are developed and many of the master curves reported in the literature show obvious inconsistencies. This guide provides guidance in the raw data needed to generate a mastercurve, the pre-sifting parsing of anomalous data, alternate methods for generating a mastercurve, and the post-shifting evaluation of a mastercurve. Examples are provided with accompanying raw data.

The title and scope are in draft form and are under development within this ASTM Committee.


Developed by Subcommittee: D04.44

Committee: D04

Staff Manager: Ashley Wiand

Work Item Status

Date Initiated: 06-04-2024

Technical Contact: David Anderson