Work Item
ASTM WK90999

Revision of C1610/C1610M-21 Standard Test Method for Static Segregation of Self-Consolidating Concrete Using Column Technique


Alternative Apparatus Considerations for Column Test Method - Current language in 1610 is limiting in that only the apparatus in Fig 1 can be used to execute this test. Others in the industry have developed alternative apparatus that accomplish the same task as that in Fig 1. The current apparatus requires two users to execute the test. These alternative apparatuses presented below, allow for one person to execute the test and in the opinion of the committee are easier and safer to use. Both alternative systems ensure the user captures the required sample size from the top and bottom of the column which is the essence of the test. Hundreds of the Unit B apparatus have been sold and are currently in use in our industry and Unit C is just starting to be implemented. This ballot item proposes new language to allow for use of these alternative units.


Developed by Subcommittee: C09.47

Committee: C09

Staff Manager: W Scott Orthey

Work Item Status

Date Initiated: 05-31-2024

Technical Contact: Michael Morrison