This specification covers prefabricated, self-adhesive, modified bituminous sheet materials reinforced with one the following reinforcement types: 1) Glass Fiber 2) Polyester fabric. The prefabricated sheet utilizes SBS elastomer as the primary modifier and are intended for use in the fabrication of multiple ply roofing and waterproofing membranes. The product may or may not have granule surfacing but has an adhesive bottom layer which is exposed by removal of a peel-away protective release paper or film sheet.
SBS; self; Adhesive; Self Adhesive; Adhering; base sheet; cap sheet
In the absence of a Spec for Self-Adhering Modified Bituminous sheets, these sheet types are being evaluated under ASTM D6162, D6163, or D6164. None of these standards address the adhesive properties inherent solely to SA Material. ASTM D1970 is utilized for SA base sheets and does address adhesion properties. But this spec does not cover potential Self-Adhering Cap sheets
The title and scope are in draft form and are under development within this ASTM Committee.
Date Initiated: 05-29-2024
Technical Contact: Hughie Dixon
Item: 000