Work Item
ASTM WK90546

Revision of C553-13(2019) Standard Specification for Mineral Fiber Blanket Thermal Insulation for Commercial and Industrial Applications


Inclusion of Practice E29. Current standard is not clear on handling significant digits. As an example, the water vapor sorption has a maximum value of 5.0 in the primary table. It is not stated in this standard if a tested result of 5.04 would round down to 5.0 thus meeting the requirement or if the value of 5.0 is absolute meaning any value above 5.0 is not passing. Adding practice E29 to the reference documents and including text in section 6.1


Developed by Subcommittee: C16.23

Committee: C16

Staff Manager: Mary Mikolajewski

Work Item Status

Date Initiated: 04-29-2024

Technical Contact: William Tolliver